Exploring STEM through exciting television shows across the country

From the Mississippi River to the Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee offers a vast range of opportunities in STEM careers. With digital recording studios in Nashville, tracking packages across the world in Memphis, and electric car innovations, STEM is now and the future.

Tennessee STEM Explorers – All Episodes


Ruby FallsToday we climb deep into the heart of Lookout Mountain to study the results of millions of years of chemical weathering and erosion.ESS1.C: The History of Planet Earth The geologic time scale interpreted from rock strata provides a way to organize Earth’s...

Animal Science

University of Tennessee College of Veterinary MedicineToday Aubrey visits UT College of Veterinary Medicine to assist an equine eye exam and wellness exam then practices drawing fluids from a poodle.Science and Engineering Practices Asking Questions and Defining...

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