Exploring STEM through exciting television shows across the country

From the Mississippi River to the Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee offers a vast range of opportunities in STEM careers. With digital recording studios in Nashville, tracking packages across the world in Memphis, and electric car innovations, STEM is now and the future.

Tennessee STEM Explorers – All Episodes

Cyber Forensics

FBIToday Mitch visits the FBI to investigate how investigators use technology to solve crimes.ISA.8 Describe the rationale for various security measures when using technology.

Science Demonstrations

Adventure Science CenterFinley learns more about mising chemicals and how some are good for us and some are bad for us."7.PS1: Matter and Its Interactions4) Analyze and interpret chemical reactions to determine if the total number of atoms in the reactants and...


Adventure Science CenterFinley learns more about mising chemicals and how some are good for us and some are bad for us."7.PS1: Matter and Its Interactions4) Analyze and interpret chemical reactions to determine if the total number of atoms in the reactants and...

Technology Labs

Brown AcademyAubrey visits a technology lab at Brown Academy to explore the design process and development of objects that solve problems.Science & Engineering Practices: Analyzing and interpreting data; Constructing explanations and designing solutions; Engaging...

Light Spectrum

Vanderbilt Dyer ObsevatoryFinley explores meteorites and their compositions today at the Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory."8.ETS1: Engineering Design2) Research and communicate information to describe how data from technologies (telescopes, spectroscopes, satellites, and...

Advanced Manufacturing

Gene Haas Center for Advanced ManufacturingToday Mitch visits one of the many Gene Haas training centers and discovers that in many industries that create the many items we encounter everyday, from car parts to Grandpa's new hip, was once programmed and tooled by a...


Vanderbilt Dyer ObsevatoryToday Finley visits the Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory to learn about how telescopes work to help us explore space."8.ETS1: Engineering Design2) Research and communicate information to describe how data from technologies (telescopes,...

Natural Gas as Energy

TVAToday Mitch visits TVA to learn how natural gas is converted to thermal energy then mechanical energy and ultimately into electricity that we use in our homes."6.PS3: Energy4) Conduct an investigation to demonstrate the way that heat (thermal energy) moves among...

Robotics and Robot Drone League

StreamworksDo you know that drones are actually robots? Join Zach at Streamworks today to explore some of the programming and flight aspects of drones.CCP.4 - Construct optimized models of computing systems. ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, and Applications...

Tesla Coil & Fossils

Hands On! Discovery CenterTodayl Zach has so much fun at Hands On! Discovery Center as he learns how tesla coils create electricity and music. Then he visits the fossil lab where fossil pieces are being put together to rebuild a mastadon, rhino, tapers and a new...


East Tennessee State UniversityWho likes spiders? Who's afraid of spiders? Join Zach today at East Tennessee State University to learn about what we should like and what we should be wary of in spiders.6.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics 7) Compare...

Nuclear Power

Sequoyah Nuclear PlantHow many workers does it take to run a nuclear power plant? Join Aubrey today to learn about the processes of nuclear power and how it is managed from a control room.6.PS3: Energy ESS.ESS1: Earth's Place in the Universe Communicate scientific...

3D Printing

Oakridge National LaboratoryToday we learn about design and processes of 3D printing and how it benefits manufacturing today."8.ETS1: Engineering Design 1) Develop a model to generate data for ongoing testing and modification of an electromagnet, a generator, and a...

Saving Energy with 3D Printing

Oakridge National LaboratoryHow does 3D printing save time, materials and energy? Join Aubrey at Oakridge National Laboratory to learn about the cutting edge research taking place today."6.ETS1: Engineering Design 2) Design and test different solutions that impact...

Thermal Energy

University of Tennessee ChattanoogaToday Aubrey visits UT Chattanooga to learn about thermal energy with exciting experiments and demontrations.6.PS3: Energy 1) Analyze the properties and compare sources of kinetic, elastic potential, gravitational potential, electric...

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