3D Printing

Oakridge National Laboratory
Today we learn about design and processes of 3D printing and how it benefits manufacturing today.
“8.ETS1: Engineering Design
1) Develop a model to generate data for ongoing testing and modification of an electromagnet, a generator, and a motor such that an optimal design can be achieved.”

Saving Energy with 3D Printing

Oakridge National Laboratory
How does 3D printing save time, materials and energy? Join Aubrey at Oakridge National Laboratory to learn about the cutting edge research taking place today.
“6.ETS1: Engineering Design
2) Design and test different solutions that impact energy transfer.8.ETS1: Engineering Design
1) Develop a model to generate data for ongoing testing and modification of an electromagnet, a generator, and a motor such that an optimal design can be achieved.”

Thermal Energy

University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Today Aubrey visits UT Chattanooga to learn about thermal energy with exciting experiments and demontrations.
6.PS3: Energy 1) Analyze the properties and compare sources of kinetic, elastic potential, gravitational potential, electric potential, chemical, and thermal energy.
4) Conduct an investigation to demonstrate the way that heat (thermal energy) moves among objects through radiation, conduction, or convection.


Beloved Woman
How do I take a great idea and turn it into a business? Today Aubrey visits Beloved Woman to find out how females can get the encouragement and help they need to build their own businesses.
STEM Innovators 15) Research needs in the community or society in general using the internet, news sources, and/or surveys of individuals outside the classroom. Based on information gathered, apply an innovation process to create a product or technology that meets the need. Create a multimedia presentation that defines the problem or need and illustrates an appropriate method to document the innovation process (such as an innovation portfolio). Use this documentation method to record the process of developing the product or technology that meets the need or solves the problem.


Tennessee Aquarium
Celebrate fresh water biodiversity at the largest fresh water aquarium that houses 530 species of fish and learn more about what makes Tennessee the best area for aquatic biodiversity.
6.LS4: Biological Change: Unity and Diversity 1) Explain how changes in biodiversity would impact ecosystem stability and natural resources.

Science of Construction

Brassfield & Gorrie
From the foundation to the roof, science is vital to the production of materials used in buildings. Join Mitch today as he learns more about how necessary science is to the building industry.
6-ESS3-2. Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to identify patterns, which help forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects.