Space Exploration Astronaut

Schiele Planetarium

How does an Electical Engineer become an astronaut? Join Hailey as she talks to Joan Higginbotham about her experience as an astronaut and some of the benefits of space exploration.

6.E.1.3 Summarize space exploration and the understandings gained from them

Brick Engineering and Robotics

Greensboro Science Center

Today Jackson explores robots made with Legos and learns how to program them to move around and pick up items.

68-CS-02 Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data. 68-AP-10 Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases.

68-AP-11 Distribute tasks and maintain a project timeline when collaboratively developing
computational artifacts.

Robotics – First Lego League Missions & Competitions

First Lego League

From robots that deliver payloads to local stores to ball playing robots, Jackson joins First Lego League today to drive the creations of local students.

68-CS-02 Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.

68-AP-10 Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases.

68-AP-11 Distribute tasks and maintain a project timeline when collaboratively developing
computational artifacts.

STEM Science

Morehead Planetarium

How does energy effect how high balls bounce when dropped? How can we transfer energy from one ball to another to make it bounce higher?We might not be able to see atoms but we definitely see the vivd and sometimes volatile effects when changes occur? Join JT for a unique chemistry experience with liquid nitrogen.

6.P.3 Understand characteristics of energy transfer and interactions of matter and energy. PS.7.2 Understand forms of energy, energy transfer and transformation, and conservation in mechanical systems. EX.8.P.2 Understand that energy has the ability to cause motion or create change.

Engineering Process/Personal Floatation Device & oil Spill Cleanup

Pamlico County Middle School

Save the Baby! Tim and STEM teacher Sheri Hale walk through the engineering process as they develop a personal floatation device for a toy baby.

Trade, Technology, Engineering, and Industrial Education The Science and Engineering Practices (SEP) are embedded in the standards to support a greater emphasis on how students develop science knowledge and the durable skills within the NC Portrait of a Graduate.