Biosystems-Cahaba River
What state is the 5th most biodiverse geology? Alabama is! Join us today to learn about what gives this state so much biodiversity.
SCI.7.6.1: Define ecosystem, population, and organism.
SCI.7.6.4: Describe an ecosystem and its components. 16. Construct an explanation based on evidence (e.g., cladogram, phylogenetic tree) for the anatomical similarities and differences among modern organisms and between modern and fossil organisms, including living fossils (e.g., alligator, horseshoe crab, nautilus, coelacanth).
Ship Building and Bouyancy
Success in science creates independent, analytical, lifelong learners capable of meeting the needs and challenges of the 21st century. Students learn how scientific knowledge is acquired and how scientific explanations are developed. Through the engineering design process and the use of engineering, technology, and applications of science, students develop their abilities to work in cooperative groups to design solutions to problems encountered in the real world.”
Solar Panels and Solar Suitcases
Chickasaw High School
Mitch visits Chickasaw High School to see how students are working to help students in Ukraine continue their lessons through powering laptops with solar suitcases
Objective SCI.8.11.1: Define electric force, charged objects, magnetic force, dry cell, wet
cell, iron core, and electromagnet.
Objective SCI.8.11.2: Explain how an electromagnet works.
Objective SCI.8.11.3: Describe the strength of electromagnetic forces using various
How Electric Cars are Made
Mercedes Benz Battery Plant (engineering)
Anderson visitis the Mercedes Benz Battery Plant to see how electric cars are made
Objective SCI.8.11.1: Define electric force, charged objects, magnetic force, dry cell, wet
cell, iron core, and electromagnet.
Objective SCI.8.11.2: Explain how an electromagnet works.
Objective SCI.8.11.3: Describe the strength of electromagnetic forces using various