Science of Ice Cream

Blue Bell Ice Cram

How could science taste so good? Join Mitch today to see how some of the best tasting science is made and experiment with some exciting new flavors.

“Objective SCI.8.5.2: Observe and record physical and chemical changes of a substance
during a chemical reaction.Objective SCI.8.7.5: Identify elements that affect a chemical reaction.”

Birds, Wolves and Anteaters

Montgomery Zoo

Why do birds have different beak sizes and shapes? Why do come in different colors? Join us today at the Montgomer Zoo to learn about the many types of birds and their differences, as well as Main Wolves and Anteaters.

“Objective SCI.7.10.1: Define predator, plumage, germination, specialized, probability, innate, and learned behaviors. 10.: Use evidence and scientific reasoning to explain how characteristic animal behaviors (e.g., building nests to protect young from cold, herding to protect young from predators, attracting mates for breeding by producing special sounds and displaying colorful plumage, transferring pollen or seeds to create conditions for seed germination and growth) and specialized plant structures (e.g., flower brightness, nectar, and odor attracting birds that transfer pollen; hard outer shells on seeds providing protection prior to germination) affect the probability of successful reproduction of both animals and plants.”

Science of EMT

Alabama Fire College
EMT and Parmedics must know anatomy and physiology as first responders in order to address many of the medical emergencies that people experience.
“The Human Anatomy and Physiology standards provide a depth of conceptual understanding to
adequately prepare students for college, career, and citizenship with an appropriate level of scientific

Science of Fire Fighting

Alabama Fire College

Join Mitch at the Alabama Fire College to learn how Science, Math and Chemistry is used by fire fighters.

Objective SCI.7.7.3: Identify causes and effects of fire on an ecosystem.

Science of Coffee

Did you know that coffee is a fruit and chocked full of antioxidents? Today we learn about coffee from bean to cup and what takes place along the way.
“Objective SCI.8.5.2: Observe and record physical and chemical changes of a substance
during a chemical reaction.Objective SCI.8.7.5: Identify elements that affect a chemical reaction.”

Water Purification

Water is essential to life! Join us today at the Coca-Cola plant in Montgomery to learn more about the how bottles of water are purified and stored. Also, how it is dispersed to areas when natural disasters occur.
“Objective SCI.6.16.3: Investigate different methods of aeration and filtering to remove pollutants from water. Objective SCI.6.16.6: Identify types of water filtration systems. Objective SCI.7.9.1: Define biodiversity, ecosystem, purify, recycle, and erosion. “