Natural Gas


Today Mitch visits the TVA Colbert Plant to learn how a natural gas plant is managed and how electricity is generated from natural gas.

“Objective PS.6.3: Identify types of non-nuclear generation. Objective SCI.8.7.1: Define thermal energy, concentration, endothermic, and exothermic
Objective SCI.8.7.2: Determine the change in temperature during a chemical reaction.”

Science of Ice Cream

Blue Bell Ice Cram

How could science taste so good? Join Mitch today to see how some of the best tasting science is made and experiment with some exciting new flavors.

“Objective SCI.8.5.2: Observe and record physical and chemical changes of a substance
during a chemical reaction.Objective SCI.8.7.5: Identify elements that affect a chemical reaction.”

Tesla Coil & Fossils

Hands On! Discovery Center

Todayl Zach has so much fun at Hands On! Discovery Center as he learns how tesla coils create electricity and music. Then he visits the fossil lab where fossil pieces are being put together to rebuild a mastadon, rhino, tapers and a new species.

“6.PS3: Energy 1) Analyze the properties and compare sources of kinetic, elastic potential, gravitational potential, electric potential, chemical, and thermal energy.8.PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions 1) Design and conduct investigations depicting the relationship between magnetism and electricity in electromagnets, generators, and electrical motors, emphasizing the factors that increase or diminish the electric current and the magnetic field strength. 8.LS4: Biological Change: Unity and Diversity 1) Analyze and interpret data for patterns in the fossil record that document the existence, diversity, extinction, and change in life forms throughout Earth’s history.”


East Tennessee State University

Who likes spiders? Who’s afraid of spiders? Join Zach today at East Tennessee State University to learn about what we should like and what we should be wary of in spiders.

6.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics 7) Compare and contrast auditory and visual methods of communication among organisms in relation to survival strategies of a population. 7.LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes 6) Develop an argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to explain how behavioral and structural adaptations in animals and plants affect the probability of survival and reproductive success.

Simple Machines

Kelly Mill Med Pro Middle School

Simple machines make some tasks possible and some tasks easier. Join Zach today at Kelly Mill Middle School to explore the science behind simple machines.

6.P.3B.1 Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to provide evidence for how the design of simple machines (including levers, pulleys, inclined planes) helps transfer mechanical energy by reducing the amount of force required to do work. 8.P.2A.1 Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to test how varying the amount of force or mass of an object affects the motion (speed and direction), shape, or orientation of an object.