Advanced Manufacturing

Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing

Today Mitch visits one of the many Gene Haas training centers and discovers that in many industries that create the many items we encounter everyday, from car parts to Grandpa’s new hip, was once programmed and tooled by a machinist using advanced technology.

“Grade 6 Programming and Development
7. Describe how automation works to increase efficiency. Grade 7 Abstraction
1. Create a function to simplify a task. Grade 8 Programming and Development
5. Discuss the efficiency of an algorithm or technology used to solve complex problems.
6. Describe how algorithmic processes and automation increase efficiency. Human/Computer Partnerships
27. Analyze assistive technologies and how they improve the quality of life for users.”

Building Cars with Robots

Honda Alabama

Today Peyton visits the Honda Alabama plant to find out more about how cars are built using the expertise of humans and strength and safety of robots.

Citizen of a Digital Culture – 15. Identify emerging technologies in computing.

Natural Gas as Energy


Today Mitch visits TVA to learn how natural gas is converted to thermal energy then mechanical energy and ultimately into electricity that we use in our homes.

“6.PS3: Energy
4) Conduct an investigation to demonstrate the way that heat (thermal energy) moves among objects through radiation, conduction, or convection.6.ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
2) Investigate and compare existing and developing technologies that utilize renewable and alternative energy resources.”

Coral Reefs

Roper Mountain

Coral Reefs are one of the most biodiverse environments on earth. How is an environment in the sea important to our life on land? Today we explore reef life at Roper Mountain.

7.EC.5A. Conceptual Understanding: In all ecosystems, organisms and populations of organisms depend on their environmental interactions with other living things (biotic factors) and with physical (abiotic) factors (such as light, temperature, water, or soil quality). Disruptions to any component of an ecosystem can lead to shifts in its diversity and abundance of populations.


Greenwood Genetic Center

Why do I have brown hair and my sister has blonde hair? Today we visit Greenwood Genetic Center to explore genetics and how traits are determined through our DNA.

7.L.4A. Conceptual Understanding: Inheritance is the key process causing similarities between parental organisms and their offspring. Organisms that reproduce sexually transfer genetic information (DNA) to their offspring. This transfer of genetic information through inheritance leads to greater similarity among individuals within a population than between populations. Technology allows humans to influence the transfer of genetic information.