DNA/RNA and Covid Testing

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Anderson builds a double helix DNA with candy

Objective B.3.1: Define deoxyribonucleic acids, ribonucleic acids, DNA replication, deletion, insertion, translocation, point shift and frame shift mutation. Objective B.3.3: Construct a model of DNA. Objective B.3.4: Identify the complementary nitrogen base pairs. Objective B.3.5: Explain the relationship between DNA, genes, and chromosomes.

Ocean Currents

Mobile Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Mitch builds a device for studying ocean currents at Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Objective SCI.6.13.4: Correlate the effect of ocean currents on weather patterns.


New Terra Composting

We’ve heard about farm to table but what about table to farm? Join us today to learn how and why food scraps become healthy soil that is used to grow healthy plants and food.

6.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics 6.ESS3: Earth and Human Activity 1) Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources by asking questions about their availability and sustainability. 6.LS4: Biological Change: Unity and Diversity
1) Explain how changes in biodiversity would impact ecosystem stability and natural resources.
2) Design a possible solution for maintaining biodiversity of ecosystems while still providing necessary human resources without disrupting environmental equilibrium. 7.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
1) Develop a model to depict the cycling of matter, including carbon and oxygen, including the flow of
energy among biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem.

Digital Art

TN College of Applied Technology

Join Aubrey and learn the how and why of creating your own computer graphics using Adobe and TCAT.

College, Career and Technical Education Fundamental Sketching 12) Identify basic design and sketching principles used in the design stage of the innovation process, including orthographic projection, object lines, hidden lines, dimensioning, and scale. Create a scaled and dimensioned, single or multi-view sketch of a product.



Today Aubrey learns about extreme weather and helps launch a weather balloon.

6.ESS2: Earth’s Systems 5) Analyze and interpret data from weather conditions, weather maps, satellites, and radar to predict probable local weather patterns and conditions.
6) Explain how relationships between the movement and interactions of air masses, high and low pressure systems, and frontal boundaries result in weather conditions and severe storms.