Cyber Security

Alabama School of Cyber Technology & Engineering
Join us today at the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering to learn about some of the many aspect of Cyber Security along with benefits and threats associated.
“Citizen of a Digital Culture – Safety, Privacy, & Security
9. Identify common methods of securing data.
Ex: Permissions, encryption, vault, locked closet. Legal and Ethical Behavior
10. Explain social engineering, including countermeasures, and its impact on a digital society.
Examples: Phishing, hoaxes, impersonation, baiting, spoofing.”

Science of Construction

Brassfield & Gorrie
From the foundation to the roof, science is vital to the production of materials used in buildings. Join Mitch today as he learns more about how necessary science is to the building industry.
“3. Construct explanations based on evidence from investigations to differentiate among compounds,
mixtures, and solutions.
a. Collect and analyze information to illustrate how synthetic materials (e.g., medicine, food
additives, alternative fuels, plastics) are derived from natural resources and how they impact society.
Objective SCI.8.3.1: Define synthetic, compound, solution, derived, homogeneous mixture, heterogeneous, and natural resources.
Objective SCI.8.3.2 Research how natural resources are used to make synthetic materials.”

Programmable Technology

Ellison Technologies
Machines can do so much more than they could 20 years ago, what has changed? Join Brielle today as learns how programmable technology helps create things, from everyday items to life saving medical devices.
“Grade 6 Programming and Development
7. Describe how automation works to increase efficiency. Grade 7 Abstraction
1. Create a function to simplify a task. Grade 8 Programming and Development
5. Discuss the efficiency of an algorithm or technology used to solve complex problems.
6. Describe how algorithmic processes and automation increase efficiency. Human/Computer Partnerships
27. Analyze assistive technologies and how they improve the quality of life for users.”


UT Chattanooga
Robots perform tasks they are programmed to perform. Today Aubrey visits UT Chattanooga to learn about programming robots to do simple tasks.
AIT.3 Determine the best technology and appropriate tool to address a variety of tasks and problems.
Mathematics: MP5, MP6
Science & Engineering Practice: Using mathematics and computational thinking

Science of Construction

Brassfield & Gorrie
From the foundation to the roof, science is vital to the production of materials used in buildings. Join Mitch today as he learns more about how necessary science is to the building industry.
6.S.1B. Technology is any modification to the natural world created to fulfill the wants and needs of humans. The engineering design process involves a series of iterative steps used to solve a problem and often leads to the development of a new or improved technology. 7.S.1: The student will use the science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of scientific inquiry, to develop understandings of science content. 8.S.1A. Conceptual Understanding: The practices of science and engineering support the development of science concepts, develop the habits of mind that are necessary for scientific thinking, and allow students to engage in science in ways that are similar to those used by scientists and engineers.