Science of Coffee

Did you know that coffee is a fruit and chocked full of antioxidents? Today we learn about coffee from bean to cup and what takes place along the way.
“Objective SCI.8.5.2: Observe and record physical and chemical changes of a substance
during a chemical reaction.Objective SCI.8.7.5: Identify elements that affect a chemical reaction.”

Water Purification

Water is essential to life! Join us today at the Coca-Cola plant in Montgomery to learn more about the how bottles of water are purified and stored. Also, how it is dispersed to areas when natural disasters occur.
“Objective SCI.6.16.3: Investigate different methods of aeration and filtering to remove pollutants from water. Objective SCI.6.16.6: Identify types of water filtration systems. Objective SCI.7.9.1: Define biodiversity, ecosystem, purify, recycle, and erosion. “

Nuclear Energy

What are the benefits of nuclear power versus coal generated power? Join us to today to learn about the differences and benefits.
“Objective PS.6.1: Define half-life, radioactive decay, radiation, nuclear power generation, and power generation.
Objective PS.6.2: Compare and contrast nuclear and non-nuclear power generation.”

Thermal Energy

University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Today Aubrey visits UT Chattanooga to learn about thermal energy with exciting experiments and demontrations.
6.PS3: Energy 1) Analyze the properties and compare sources of kinetic, elastic potential, gravitational potential, electric potential, chemical, and thermal energy.
4) Conduct an investigation to demonstrate the way that heat (thermal energy) moves among objects through radiation, conduction, or convection.


Beloved Woman
How do I take a great idea and turn it into a business? Today Aubrey visits Beloved Woman to find out how females can get the encouragement and help they need to build their own businesses.
STEM Innovators 15) Research needs in the community or society in general using the internet, news sources, and/or surveys of individuals outside the classroom. Based on information gathered, apply an innovation process to create a product or technology that meets the need. Create a multimedia presentation that defines the problem or need and illustrates an appropriate method to document the innovation process (such as an innovation portfolio). Use this documentation method to record the process of developing the product or technology that meets the need or solves the problem.