Exploring STEM through exciting shows across the country

Potential Reach

Scholarships Given

Shows Produced and Aired

Frame of Minds is a not-for-profit 501(c)3

STEM Explorers is a 30-minute E/I television program that explores STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) topics throughout the state. The show teaches content through the hands-on experiences of our middle school student host and an educator. The educators come from schools, colleges, museums, and businesses to teach about a STEM topics from the middle school academic standards and show real-life applications of the topic.

Most shows incorporate a brief Career Segment in which a STEM professional is interviewed about their career. From their first interest in STEM and education background, through career opportunities, and into their favorite STEM activities.

North Carolina STEM Explorers logo

Our Partners

Frame of Minds Sponsor logo - Workplace Options